Jam this on Spotify:
Music Practice Tracks are Original Drumless backing tracks to start jamming!!
Needless to say it takes MASSIVE amount of work to make this videos/music happen every single day. If you enjoy this material please consider supporting the channel to keep bringing new music!! There are several ways to do this (a lot of them are FREE):
1- Watch this videos entirely
2-Leave a comment (tell me what do you want to practice to make a track around that topic!)
3-Subscribe, like and share: https://www.youtube.com/c/MusicPracticeTracks
4-Listen this on spotify:
5-Become a Patreon (different perks like custom music, music lessons, stem files and more): https://www.patreon.com/musicpracticetracks
6-Listen full (50 track) album on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/2dEknHx0MYCsSuCCMqatY6?si=CxVzsBgNSruVXVlB-rkCCA
7-Donate on Paypal (every dollar counts!): https://www.paypal.me/musicpracticetracks
9-Promote your music store, studio recording, music school, band, custom instruments, music website/app, etc inside the videos. Email me to work a promotion fee that suit your needs: musicpracticetracks@gmail.com
8-Upload your favorite tracks in this channel to your YT channel (give credit and tag me! I love to see the infinite different approaches to my music around the world) Disclaimer: YouTube Content ID may recognize my music and monetize your video on my behalf. This will NOT result in any copyright strikes against your channel (so you are good to go!)
Follow on INSTAGRAM for free drum lessons: https://instagram.com/davidadriandrums
English is not my native language so I apologize in advance if you see any misspelled word in the videos, description or in the reply comments! (you can let me know about all this in the comments below! ) Thanks for understanding and support! =D
sábado, 30 de marzo de 2024
viernes, 29 de marzo de 2024
Meinl Byzance Polyphonic Set. Sonido y Reseña
Todas estas reseñas están diseñadas de manera que primero escuches el producto y después doy mis comentarios, de manera que si solo quieres escuchar el instrumento y saber especificaciones puedes ver del principio hasta la mitad, si quieres saber mi opinión puedes irte a la mitad de cada video.
🔴7% Descuento en Distrokid 👉 https://distrokid.com/vip/seven/4997761
🔴Manda correo para Sesiones en línea 1 a 1 y ayudarte con lo que necesites (asesoría de bandas, clases de batería, orientación para comprar equipo, como crecer tus redes y todo lo relacionado con música) 👉 davidadrianmusic@gmail.com
🔴350 Pistas sin Batería GRATIS para Practicar 👉 https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5vnMnx50hBVfl9okRPcjQE?si=be68f9390d57452a
👉Te interesan este plato? este es el contacto de Gil: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100024691282412
Más Contenido Relacionado con BATERÍAS Y MÚSICA
- SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7ASUkNCTf27Ev0sjfRkddu?si=FMaN44YDTROdhr1TrXc7Sw
- PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/davidadrian
- FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/davidadriandrums
- INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/davidadriandrums
💥Si te gusta/sirve el contenido puedes ayudarme a seguir creciendo y mejorando el contenido del canal a través de Membresías de Youtube! Recibe Beneficios desde 1 dólar al mes, Checa todo a lo que tendrías acceso!
👉 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsRnFBvKzQ63ShxzqcSFpBw/join
💥Prensa, Promoción de productos, Propuestas de trabajo: Deja mensaje o comentario
💥SAMPLES de baterías, platillos y percusiones de Gama ALTA para samplepads y baterías electrónicas 👉 https://payhip.com/davidadrian
💥CURSO Manos más rápidas en 3 dias: https://www.patreon.com/davidadrian/shop/curso-manos-mas-rapidas-en-3-dias-16018?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=productshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
🥁Quieres Aprender Batería GRATIS? Da click aquí 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF9CECA6864D537EB
🥁 RESEÑAS de Instrumentos👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCdLtqP4qHHErUEVpL710doi
🥁Análisis de Baterías de canciones famosas 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCeWrIu_KOucgays4rcgrPaL
🥁Música original usando los sets de batería más Experimentales que hayas visto 👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCcwDjlout8cSuFchKRyC4l-
🥁Opiniones controversiales acerca de música 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCfxSFgpH8xLcLxXk7CEIvTO
🥁Historia de la Batería 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCeK3TEjdqH3pLYY0Zvjfdzz
Deja tus preguntas en comentarios para contestar en videos futuros o si quieres que hable de algún tema enfocado en baterías o música en general también déjalo en comentarios
Si te ha gustado el video, no olvides suscribirte para más conocimiento de música, baterías, clases, inspiración y mucho más!
#davidadriandrums #davidadrian #davilandia
jueves, 28 de marzo de 2024
Hundred Twenty One Untitled 121bpm MPT (Electronic FREE Drumless)
👉Listen/practice/jam this track on SPOTIFY:
Music Practice Tracks are Original Drumless backing tracks to start jamming!!
Needless to say it takes MASSIVE amount of work to make this videos/music happen every single day. If you enjoy this material please consider supporting the channel to keep bringing new music!! There are several ways to do this (a lot of them are FREE):
1-Leave a comment (tell me what do you want to practice to make a track around that genre!)
2-Subscribe, like and share: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgdq2dBZcwny6xEaMwQuxWQ?sub_confirmation=1
3-Become a Patreon (different perks like custom music, music lessons, stem files and more): https://www.patreon.com/musicpracticetracks
4-Donate on Paypal (every dollar counts!): https://www.paypal.me/musicpracticetracks
5-Promote your music store, studio recording, music school, band, custom instruments, music website/app, etc inside the videos. Email me to work a promotion fee that suit your needs: musicpracticetracks@gmail.com
7-Upload your favorite tracks in this channel to your YT channel (give credit and tag me! I love to see the infinite different approaches to my music around the world) Disclaimer: YouTube Content ID may recognize my music and monetize your video on my behalf. This will NOT result in any copyright strikes against your channel (so you are good to go!)
English is not my native language so I apologize in advance if you see any misspelled word in the videos, description or in the reply comments! (you can let me know about all this in the comments below! ) Thanks for understanding and support! =D
miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2024
Cold Dune 141bpm MPT (Ethnic FREE Drumless)
👉Listen/practice/jam this track on SPOTIFY:
Music Practice Tracks are Original Drumless backing tracks to start jamming!!
Needless to say it takes MASSIVE amount of work to make this videos/music happen every single day. If you enjoy this material please consider supporting the channel to keep bringing new music!! There are several ways to do this (a lot of them are FREE):
1-Leave a comment (tell me what do you want to practice to make a track around that genre!)
2-Subscribe, like and share: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgdq2dBZcwny6xEaMwQuxWQ?sub_confirmation=1
3-Become a Patreon (different perks like custom music, music lessons, stem files and more): https://www.patreon.com/musicpracticetracks
4-Donate on Paypal (every dollar counts!): https://www.paypal.me/musicpracticetracks
5-Promote your music store, studio recording, music school, band, custom instruments, music website/app, etc inside the videos. Email me to work a promotion fee that suit your needs: musicpracticetracks@gmail.com
7-Upload your favorite tracks in this channel to your YT channel (give credit and tag me! I love to see the infinite different approaches to my music around the world) Disclaimer: YouTube Content ID may recognize my music and monetize your video on my behalf. This will NOT result in any copyright strikes against your channel (so you are good to go!)
English is not my native language so I apologize in advance if you see any misspelled word in the videos, description or in the reply comments! (you can let me know about all this in the comments below! ) Thanks for understanding and support! =D
martes, 26 de marzo de 2024
Funk Drumless Backing Track 89Bpm
👉Listen/practice/jam this track on SPOTIFY:
Music Practice Tracks are Original Drumless backing tracks to start jamming!!
Needless to say it takes MASSIVE amount of work to make this videos/music happen every single day. If you enjoy this material please consider supporting the channel to keep bringing new music!! There are several ways to do this (a lot of them are FREE):
1-Leave a comment (tell me what do you want to practice to make a track around that genre!)
2-Subscribe, like and share: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgdq2dBZcwny6xEaMwQuxWQ?sub_confirmation=1
3-Become a Patreon (different perks like custom music, music lessons, stem files and more): https://www.patreon.com/musicpracticetracks
4-Donate on Paypal (every dollar counts!): https://www.paypal.me/musicpracticetracks
5-Promote your music store, studio recording, music school, band, custom instruments, music website/app, etc inside the videos. Email me to work a promotion fee that suit your needs: musicpracticetracks@gmail.com
7-Upload your favorite tracks in this channel to your YT channel (give credit and tag me! I love to see the infinite different approaches to my music around the world) Disclaimer: YouTube Content ID may recognize my music and monetize your video on my behalf. This will NOT result in any copyright strikes against your channel (so you are good to go!)
English is not my native language so I apologize in advance if you see any misspelled word in the videos, description or in the reply comments! (you can let me know about all this in the comments below! ) Thanks for understanding and support! =D
lunes, 25 de marzo de 2024
5 ERRORES Que Haces al Tocar con METRÓNOMO
Algunos ni siquiera sabes que los estás haciendo, otrosa meros mitos que han pasado de generación en generación y aquí resuelvo todos!
🔴Manda correo para Sesiones en línea 1 a 1 y ayudarte con lo que necesites (asesoría de bandas, clases de batería, orientación para comprar equipo, como crecer tus redes y todo lo relacionado con música) 👉 davidadrianmusic@gmail.com
🔴350 Pistas sin Batería GRATIS para Practicar 👉 https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5vnMnx50hBVfl9okRPcjQE?si=be68f9390d57452a
🔴7% Descuento en Distrokid 👉 https://distrokid.com/vip/seven/4997761
Más Contenido Relacionado con BATERÍAS Y MÚSICA
- SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7ASUkNCTf27Ev0sjfRkddu?si=FMaN44YDTROdhr1TrXc7Sw
- PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/davidadrian
- FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/davidadriandrums
- INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/davidadriandrums
💥Si te gusta/sirve el contenido puedes ayudarme a seguir creciendo y mejorando el contenido del canal a través de Membresías de Youtube! Recibe Beneficios desde 1 dólar al mes, Checa todo a lo que tendrías acceso!
👉 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsRnFBvKzQ63ShxzqcSFpBw/join
💥Prensa, Promoción de productos, Propuestas de trabajo: Deja mensaje o comentario
💥SAMPLES de baterías, platillos y percusiones de Gama ALTA para samplepads y baterías electrónicas 👉 https://payhip.com/davidadrian
💥CURSO Manos más rápidas en 3 dias: https://www.patreon.com/davidadrian/shop/curso-manos-mas-rapidas-en-3-dias-16018?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=productshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
🥁Quieres Aprender Batería GRATIS? Da click aquí 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF9CECA6864D537EB
🥁 RESEÑAS de Instrumentos👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCdLtqP4qHHErUEVpL710doi
🥁Análisis de Baterías de canciones famosas 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCeWrIu_KOucgays4rcgrPaL
🥁Música original usando los sets de batería más Experimentales que hayas visto 👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCcwDjlout8cSuFchKRyC4l-
🥁Opiniones controversiales acerca de música 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCfxSFgpH8xLcLxXk7CEIvTO
🥁Historia de la Batería 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCeK3TEjdqH3pLYY0Zvjfdzz
Deja tus preguntas en comentarios para contestar en videos futuros o si quieres que hable de algún tema enfocado en baterías o música en general también déjalo en comentarios
Si te ha gustado el video, no olvides suscribirte para más conocimiento de música, baterías, clases, inspiración y mucho más!
#davidadriandrums #davidadrian #davilandia
Hundred Twenty Eight Hearts 128bpm MPT (Electronic FREE Drumless)
👉Listen/practice/jam this track on SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/track/4SAU3WKvZS5pTYB0vVRaTV?si=b8bce93eb0994fe0
Music Practice Tracks are Original Drumless backing tracks to start jamming!!
Needless to say it takes MASSIVE amount of work to make this videos/music happen every single day. If you enjoy this material please consider supporting the channel to keep bringing new music!! There are several ways to do this (a lot of them are FREE):
1-Leave a comment (tell me what do you want to practice to make a track around that genre!)
2-Subscribe, like and share: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgdq2dBZcwny6xEaMwQuxWQ?sub_confirmation=1
3-Become a Patreon (different perks like custom music, music lessons, stem files and more): https://www.patreon.com/musicpracticetracks
4-Donate on Paypal (every dollar counts!): https://www.paypal.me/musicpracticetracks
5-Promote your music store, studio recording, music school, band, custom instruments, music website/app, etc inside the videos. Email me to work a promotion fee that suit your needs: musicpracticetracks@gmail.com
7-Upload your favorite tracks in this channel to your YT channel (give credit and tag me! I love to see the infinite different approaches to my music around the world) Disclaimer: YouTube Content ID may recognize my music and monetize your video on my behalf. This will NOT result in any copyright strikes against your channel (so you are good to go!)
English is not my native language so I apologize in advance if you see any misspelled word in the videos, description or in the reply comments! (you can let me know about all this in the comments below! ) Thanks for understanding and support! =D
viernes, 22 de marzo de 2024
Zildjian K Light HiHat 15" Sonido y Reseña
Todas estas reseñas están diseñadas de manera que primero escuches el producto y después doy mis comentarios, de manera que si solo quieres escuchar el instrumento y saber especificaciones puedes ver del principio hasta la mitad, si quieres saber mi opinión puedes irte a la mitad de cada video.
🔴Manda correo para Sesiones en línea 1 a 1 y ayudarte con lo que necesites (asesoría de bandas, clases de batería, orientación para comprar equipo, como crecer tus redes y todo lo relacionado con música) 👉 davidadrianmusic@gmail.com
🔴350 Pistas sin Batería GRATIS para Practicar 👉 https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5vnMnx50hBVfl9okRPcjQE?si=be68f9390d57452a
🔴7% Descuento en Distrokid 👉 https://distrokid.com/vip/seven/4997761
👉Te interesan este plato? este es el contacto de Gil: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100024691282412
Más Contenido Relacionado con BATERÍAS Y MÚSICA
- SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7ASUkNCTf27Ev0sjfRkddu?si=FMaN44YDTROdhr1TrXc7Sw
- PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/davidadrian
- FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/davidadriandrums
- INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/davidadriandrums
💥Si te gusta/sirve el contenido puedes ayudarme a seguir creciendo y mejorando el contenido del canal a través de Membresías de Youtube! Recibe Beneficios desde 1 dólar al mes, Checa todo a lo que tendrías acceso!
👉 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsRnFBvKzQ63ShxzqcSFpBw/join
💥Prensa, Promoción de productos, Propuestas de trabajo: Deja mensaje o comentario
💥SAMPLES de baterías, platillos y percusiones de Gama ALTA para samplepads y baterías electrónicas 👉 https://payhip.com/davidadrian
💥CURSO Manos más rápidas en 3 dias: https://www.patreon.com/davidadrian/shop/curso-manos-mas-rapidas-en-3-dias-16018?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=productshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
🥁Quieres Aprender Batería GRATIS? Da click aquí 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF9CECA6864D537EB
🥁 RESEÑAS de Instrumentos👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCdLtqP4qHHErUEVpL710doi
🥁Análisis de Baterías de canciones famosas 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCeWrIu_KOucgays4rcgrPaL
🥁Música original usando los sets de batería más Experimentales que hayas visto 👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCcwDjlout8cSuFchKRyC4l-
🥁Opiniones controversiales acerca de música 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCfxSFgpH8xLcLxXk7CEIvTO
🥁Historia de la Batería 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCeK3TEjdqH3pLYY0Zvjfdzz
Deja tus preguntas en comentarios para contestar en videos futuros o si quieres que hable de algún tema enfocado en baterías o música en general también déjalo en comentarios
Si te ha gustado el video, no olvides suscribirte para más conocimiento de música, baterías, clases, inspiración y mucho más!
#davidadriandrums #davidadrian #davilandia
Hundred Twenty Two Untitled 122bpm MPT (Electronic FREE Drumless)
🔴Jam this on Spotify:
Music Practice Tracks are Original Drumless backing tracks to start jamming!!
Needless to say it takes MASSIVE amount of work to make this videos/music happen every single day. If you enjoy this material please consider supporting the channel to keep bringing new music!! There are several ways to do this (a lot of them are FREE):
1- Watch this videos entirely
2-Leave a comment (tell me what do you want to practice to make a track around that topic!)
3-Subscribe, like and share: https://www.youtube.com/c/MusicPracticeTracks
4-Listen this on spotify:
5-Become a Patreon (different perks like custom music, music lessons, stem files and more): https://www.patreon.com/musicpracticetracks
6-Listen full (50 track) album on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/2dEknHx0MYCsSuCCMqatY6?si=CxVzsBgNSruVXVlB-rkCCA
7-Donate on Paypal (every dollar counts!): https://www.paypal.me/musicpracticetracks
9-Promote your music store, studio recording, music school, band, custom instruments, music website/app, etc inside the videos. Email me to work a promotion fee that suit your needs: musicpracticetracks@gmail.com
8-Upload your favorite tracks in this channel to your YT channel (give credit and tag me! I love to see the infinite different approaches to my music around the world) Disclaimer: YouTube Content ID may recognize my music and monetize your video on my behalf. This will NOT result in any copyright strikes against your channel (so you are good to go!)
Follow on INSTAGRAM for free drum lessons: https://instagram.com/davidadriandrums
English is not my native language so I apologize in advance if you see any misspelled word in the videos, description or in the reply comments! (you can let me know about all this in the comments below! ) Thanks for understanding and support! =D
jueves, 21 de marzo de 2024
Sea Turbulence 170bpm ROCK Drumless (CLICKLESS)
👉Listen/practice/jam this track on SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/track/6VBDzvExq6qWTRT0Wetipj?si=c9076a88fdef4c1f
Music Practice Tracks are Original Drumless backing tracks to start jamming!!
Needless to say it takes MASSIVE amount of work to make this videos/music happen every single day. If you enjoy this material please consider supporting the channel to keep bringing new music!! There are several ways to do this (a lot of them are FREE):
1-Leave a comment (tell me what do you want to practice to make a track around that genre!)
2-Subscribe, like and share: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgdq2dBZcwny6xEaMwQuxWQ?sub_confirmation=1
3-Become a Patreon (different perks like custom music, music lessons, stem files and more): https://www.patreon.com/musicpracticetracks
4-Donate on Paypal (every dollar counts!): https://www.paypal.me/musicpracticetracks
5-Promote your music store, studio recording, music school, band, custom instruments, music website/app, etc inside the videos. Email me to work a promotion fee that suit your needs: musicpracticetracks@gmail.com
7-Upload your favorite tracks in this channel to your YT channel (give credit and tag me! I love to see the infinite different approaches to my music around the world) Disclaimer: YouTube Content ID may recognize my music and monetize your video on my behalf. This will NOT result in any copyright strikes against your channel (so you are good to go!)
English is not my native language so I apologize in advance if you see any misspelled word in the videos, description or in the reply comments! (you can let me know about all this in the comments below! ) Thanks for understanding and support! =D
miércoles, 20 de marzo de 2024
Todas las Series de Tarolas LUDWIG // Audios y PRECIOS! 🤯
Checo todas las tarolas de Ludwig en este 2024, te digo precios, checamos videos, cuales valen la pena según las que he tocado y cuales puedes omitir para siempre!
🔴Manda correo para Sesiones en línea 1 a 1 y ayudarte con lo que necesites (asesoría de bandas, clases de batería, orientación para comprar equipo, como crecer tus redes y todo lo relacionado con música) 👉 davidadrianmusic@gmail.com
🔴350 Pistas sin Batería GRATIS para Practicar 👉 https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5vnMnx50hBVfl9okRPcjQE?si=be68f9390d57452a
🔴7% Descuento en Distrokid 👉 https://distrokid.com/vip/seven/4997761
Más Contenido Relacionado con BATERÍAS Y MÚSICA
- SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7ASUkNCTf27Ev0sjfRkddu?si=FMaN44YDTROdhr1TrXc7Sw
- PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/davidadrian
- FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/davidadriandrums
- INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/davidadriandrums
💥Si te gusta/sirve el contenido puedes ayudarme a seguir creciendo y mejorando el contenido del canal a través de Membresías de Youtube! Recibe Beneficios desde 1 dólar al mes, Checa todo a lo que tendrías acceso!
👉 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsRnFBvKzQ63ShxzqcSFpBw/join
💥Prensa, Promoción de productos, Propuestas de trabajo: Deja mensaje o comentario
💥SAMPLES de baterías, platillos y percusiones de Gama ALTA para samplepads y baterías electrónicas 👉 https://payhip.com/davidadrian
💥CURSO Manos más rápidas en 3 dias: https://www.patreon.com/davidadrian/shop/curso-manos-mas-rapidas-en-3-dias-16018?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=productshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
🥁Quieres Aprender Batería GRATIS? Da click aquí 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF9CECA6864D537EB
🥁 RESEÑAS de Instrumentos👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCdLtqP4qHHErUEVpL710doi
🥁Análisis de Baterías de canciones famosas 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCeWrIu_KOucgays4rcgrPaL
🥁Música original usando los sets de batería más Experimentales que hayas visto 👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCcwDjlout8cSuFchKRyC4l-
🥁Opiniones controversiales acerca de música 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCfxSFgpH8xLcLxXk7CEIvTO
🥁Historia de la Batería 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCeK3TEjdqH3pLYY0Zvjfdzz
Deja tus preguntas en comentarios para contestar en videos futuros o si quieres que hable de algún tema enfocado en baterías o música en general también déjalo en comentarios
Si te ha gustado el video, no olvides suscribirte para más conocimiento de música, baterías, clases, inspiración y mucho más!
#davidadriandrums #davidadrian #davilandia
martes, 19 de marzo de 2024
Hundred Twenty One Untitled 121bpm MPT (Electronic FREE Drumless)
👉Listen/practice/jam this track on SPOTIFY:
Music Practice Tracks are Original Drumless backing tracks to start jamming!!
Needless to say it takes MASSIVE amount of work to make this videos/music happen every single day. If you enjoy this material please consider supporting the channel to keep bringing new music!! There are several ways to do this (a lot of them are FREE):
1-Leave a comment (tell me what do you want to practice to make a track around that genre!)
2-Subscribe, like and share: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgdq2dBZcwny6xEaMwQuxWQ?sub_confirmation=1
3-Become a Patreon (different perks like custom music, music lessons, stem files and more): https://www.patreon.com/musicpracticetracks
4-Donate on Paypal (every dollar counts!): https://www.paypal.me/musicpracticetracks
5-Promote your music store, studio recording, music school, band, custom instruments, music website/app, etc inside the videos. Email me to work a promotion fee that suit your needs: musicpracticetracks@gmail.com
7-Upload your favorite tracks in this channel to your YT channel (give credit and tag me! I love to see the infinite different approaches to my music around the world) Disclaimer: YouTube Content ID may recognize my music and monetize your video on my behalf. This will NOT result in any copyright strikes against your channel (so you are good to go!)
English is not my native language so I apologize in advance if you see any misspelled word in the videos, description or in the reply comments! (you can let me know about all this in the comments below! ) Thanks for understanding and support! =D
lunes, 18 de marzo de 2024
Afinaciones Extremas!! // Qué PARCHE Debo Comprar?!
Afinación Grave donde solo pongo parches encima sin apretar nada y afinación aguda ya a punto de reventar los lugs!
🥁 "TUNED" on Spotify (Drumless) 👉
🔴7% Descuento en Distrokid 👉 https://distrokid.com/vip/seven/4997761
Más Contenido Relacionado con BATERÍAS Y MÚSICA
- SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7ASUkNCTf27Ev0sjfRkddu?si=FMaN44YDTROdhr1TrXc7Sw
- PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/davidadrian
- FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/davidadriandrums
- INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/davidadriandrums
💥Si te gusta/sirve el contenido puedes ayudarme a seguir creciendo y mejorando el contenido del canal a través de Membresías de Youtube! Recibe Beneficios desde 1 dólar al mes, Checa todo a lo que tendrías acceso!
👉 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsRnFBvKzQ63ShxzqcSFpBw/join
💥Prensa, Promoción de productos, Propuestas de trabajo: Deja mensaje o comentario
💥SAMPLES de baterías, platillos y percusiones de Gama ALTA para samplepads y baterías electrónicas 👉 https://payhip.com/davidadrian
💥CURSO Manos más rápidas en 3 dias: https://www.patreon.com/davidadrian/shop/curso-manos-mas-rapidas-en-3-dias-16018?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=productshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
🥁Quieres Aprender Batería GRATIS? Da click aquí 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF9CECA6864D537EB
🥁 RESEÑAS de Instrumentos👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCdLtqP4qHHErUEVpL710doi
🥁Análisis de Baterías de canciones famosas 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCeWrIu_KOucgays4rcgrPaL
🥁Música original usando los sets de batería más Experimentales que hayas visto 👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCcwDjlout8cSuFchKRyC4l-
🥁Opiniones controversiales acerca de música 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCfxSFgpH8xLcLxXk7CEIvTO
🥁Historia de la Batería 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCeK3TEjdqH3pLYY0Zvjfdzz
Deja tus preguntas en comentarios para contestar en videos futuros o si quieres que hable de algún tema enfocado en baterías o música en general también déjalo en comentarios
Si te ha gustado el video, no olvides suscribirte para más conocimiento de música, baterías, clases, inspiración y mucho más!
#davidadriandrums #davidadrian #davilandia
Midday Fun 120bpm MPT (Electronic FREE Drumless)
👉Listen/practice/jam this track on SPOTIFY:
Music Practice Tracks are Original Drumless backing tracks to start jamming!!
Needless to say it takes MASSIVE amount of work to make this videos/music happen every single day. If you enjoy this material please consider supporting the channel to keep bringing new music!! There are several ways to do this (a lot of them are FREE):
1-Leave a comment (tell me what do you want to practice to make a track around that genre!)
2-Subscribe, like and share: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgdq2dBZcwny6xEaMwQuxWQ?sub_confirmation=1
3-Become a Patreon (different perks like custom music, music lessons, stem files and more): https://www.patreon.com/musicpracticetracks
4-Donate on Paypal (every dollar counts!): https://www.paypal.me/musicpracticetracks
5-Promote your music store, studio recording, music school, band, custom instruments, music website/app, etc inside the videos. Email me to work a promotion fee that suit your needs: musicpracticetracks@gmail.com
7-Upload your favorite tracks in this channel to your YT channel (give credit and tag me! I love to see the infinite different approaches to my music around the world) Disclaimer: YouTube Content ID may recognize my music and monetize your video on my behalf. This will NOT result in any copyright strikes against your channel (so you are good to go!)
English is not my native language so I apologize in advance if you see any misspelled word in the videos, description or in the reply comments! (you can let me know about all this in the comments below! ) Thanks for understanding and support! =D
viernes, 15 de marzo de 2024
Tomplay App (Partituras Interactivas, Playalongs, Editor y más) Reseña
🔴Prueba Tomplay GRATIS 👉 https://tomplay.com/es/premium-trial?ref=yjy3nzn&utm_source=Tapfiliate&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=Tomplay+Affiliate+Program+%28ES%29
🔴Manda correo para Sesiones en línea 1 a 1 y ayudarte con lo que necesites (asesoría de bandas, clases de batería, orientación para comprar equipo, como crecer tus redes y todo lo relacionado con música) 👉 davidadrianmusic@gmail.com
🔴350 Pistas sin Batería GRATIS para Practicar 👉 https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5vnMnx50hBVfl9okRPcjQE?si=be68f9390d57452a
🔴7% Descuento en Distrokid 👉 https://distrokid.com/vip/seven/4997761
Más Contenido Relacionado con BATERÍAS Y MÚSICA
- SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7ASUkNCTf27Ev0sjfRkddu?si=FMaN44YDTROdhr1TrXc7Sw
- PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/davidadrian
- FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/davidadriandrums
- INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/davidadriandrums
💥Si te gusta/sirve el contenido puedes ayudarme a seguir creciendo y mejorando el contenido del canal a través de Membresías de Youtube! Recibe Beneficios desde 1 dólar al mes, Checa todo a lo que tendrías acceso!
👉 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsRnFBvKzQ63ShxzqcSFpBw/join
💥Prensa, Promoción de productos, Propuestas de trabajo: Deja mensaje o comentario
💥SAMPLES de baterías, platillos y percusiones de Gama ALTA para samplepads y baterías electrónicas 👉 https://payhip.com/davidadrian
💥CURSO Manos más rápidas en 3 dias: https://www.patreon.com/davidadrian/shop/curso-manos-mas-rapidas-en-3-dias-16018?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=productshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
🥁Quieres Aprender Batería GRATIS? Da click aquí 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF9CECA6864D537EB
🥁 RESEÑAS de Instrumentos👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCdLtqP4qHHErUEVpL710doi
🥁Análisis de Baterías de canciones famosas 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCeWrIu_KOucgays4rcgrPaL
🥁Música original usando los sets de batería más Experimentales que hayas visto 👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCcwDjlout8cSuFchKRyC4l-
🥁Opiniones controversiales acerca de música 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCfxSFgpH8xLcLxXk7CEIvTO
🥁Historia de la Batería 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCeK3TEjdqH3pLYY0Zvjfdzz
Deja tus preguntas en comentarios para contestar en videos futuros o si quieres que hable de algún tema enfocado en baterías o música en general también déjalo en comentarios
Si te ha gustado el video, no olvides suscribirte para más conocimiento de música, baterías, clases, inspiración y mucho más!
#davidadriandrums #davidadrian #davilandia
Hundred Twenty Seven Brains 127bpm MPT (Electronic FREE Drumless)
Jam this on Spotify:
Music Practice Tracks are Original Drumless backing tracks to start jamming!!
Needless to say it takes MASSIVE amount of work to make this videos/music happen every single day. If you enjoy this material please consider supporting the channel to keep bringing new music!! There are several ways to do this (a lot of them are FREE):
1- Watch this videos entirely
2-Leave a comment (tell me what do you want to practice to make a track around that topic!)
3-Subscribe, like and share: https://www.youtube.com/c/MusicPracticeTracks
4-Listen this on spotify:
5-Become a Patreon (different perks like custom music, music lessons, stem files and more): https://www.patreon.com/musicpracticetracks
6-Listen full (50 track) album on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/2dEknHx0MYCsSuCCMqatY6?si=CxVzsBgNSruVXVlB-rkCCA
7-Donate on Paypal (every dollar counts!): https://www.paypal.me/musicpracticetracks
9-Promote your music store, studio recording, music school, band, custom instruments, music website/app, etc inside the videos. Email me to work a promotion fee that suit your needs: musicpracticetracks@gmail.com
8-Upload your favorite tracks in this channel to your YT channel (give credit and tag me! I love to see the infinite different approaches to my music around the world) Disclaimer: YouTube Content ID may recognize my music and monetize your video on my behalf. This will NOT result in any copyright strikes against your channel (so you are good to go!)
Follow on INSTAGRAM for free drum lessons: https://instagram.com/davidadriandrums
English is not my native language so I apologize in advance if you see any misspelled word in the videos, description or in the reply comments! (you can let me know about all this in the comments below! ) Thanks for understanding and support! =D
jueves, 14 de marzo de 2024
Hundred Twenty Seven Brains 127bpm MPT (Electronic FREE Drumless)
Jam this on Spotify:
Hundred Twenty Seven Brains 127bpm MPT (Electronic FREE Drumless) 👉 https://youtu.be/ZgJ4mVznGOk
Music Practice Tracks are Original Drumless backing tracks to start jamming!!
Needless to say it takes MASSIVE amount of work to make this videos/music happen every single day. If you enjoy this material please consider supporting the channel to keep bringing new music!! There are several ways to do this (a lot of them are FREE):
1- Watch this videos entirely
2-Leave a comment (tell me what do you want to practice to make a track around that topic!)
3-Subscribe, like and share: https://www.youtube.com/c/MusicPracticeTracks
4-Listen this on spotify:
5-Become a Patreon (different perks like custom music, music lessons, stem files and more): https://www.patreon.com/musicpracticetracks
6-Listen full (50 track) album on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/2dEknHx0MYCsSuCCMqatY6?si=CxVzsBgNSruVXVlB-rkCCA
7-Donate on Paypal (every dollar counts!): https://www.paypal.me/musicpracticetracks
9-Promote your music store, studio recording, music school, band, custom instruments, music website/app, etc inside the videos. Email me to work a promotion fee that suit your needs: musicpracticetracks@gmail.com
8-Upload your favorite tracks in this channel to your YT channel (give credit and tag me! I love to see the infinite different approaches to my music around the world) Disclaimer: YouTube Content ID may recognize my music and monetize your video on my behalf. This will NOT result in any copyright strikes against your channel (so you are good to go!)
Follow on INSTAGRAM for free drum lessons: https://instagram.com/davidadriandrums
English is not my native language so I apologize in advance if you see any misspelled word in the videos, description or in the reply comments! (you can let me know about all this in the comments below! ) Thanks for understanding and support! =D
miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2024
Todas las Series de Tarolas MAPEX // Con PRECIOS!! 😮
Checo todas las tarolas de Mapex en este 2024, te digo precios, cuales valen la pena según las que he tocado y cuales puedes omitir para siempre!
🔴Manda correo para Sesiones en línea 1 a 1 y ayudarte con lo que necesites (asesoría de bandas, clases de batería, orientación para comprar equipo, como crecer tus redes y todo lo relacionado con música) 👉 davidadrianmusic@gmail.com
🔴350 Pistas sin Batería GRATIS para Practicar 👉 https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5vnMnx50hBVfl9okRPcjQE?si=be68f9390d57452a
🔴7% Descuento en Distrokid 👉 https://distrokid.com/vip/seven/4997761
Más Contenido Relacionado con BATERÍAS Y MÚSICA
- SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7ASUkNCTf27Ev0sjfRkddu?si=FMaN44YDTROdhr1TrXc7Sw
- PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/davidadrian
- FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/davidadriandrums
- INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/davidadriandrums
💥Si te gusta/sirve el contenido puedes ayudarme a seguir creciendo y mejorando el contenido del canal a través de Membresías de Youtube! Recibe Beneficios desde 1 dólar al mes, Checa todo a lo que tendrías acceso!
👉 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsRnFBvKzQ63ShxzqcSFpBw/join
💥Prensa, Promoción de productos, Propuestas de trabajo: Deja mensaje o comentario
💥SAMPLES de baterías, platillos y percusiones de Gama ALTA para samplepads y baterías electrónicas 👉 https://payhip.com/davidadrian
💥CURSO Manos más rápidas en 3 dias: https://www.patreon.com/davidadrian/shop/curso-manos-mas-rapidas-en-3-dias-16018?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=productshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
🥁Quieres Aprender Batería GRATIS? Da click aquí 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF9CECA6864D537EB
🥁 RESEÑAS de Instrumentos👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCdLtqP4qHHErUEVpL710doi
🥁Análisis de Baterías de canciones famosas 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCeWrIu_KOucgays4rcgrPaL
🥁Música original usando los sets de batería más Experimentales que hayas visto 👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCcwDjlout8cSuFchKRyC4l-
🥁Opiniones controversiales acerca de música 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCfxSFgpH8xLcLxXk7CEIvTO
🥁Historia de la Batería 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCeK3TEjdqH3pLYY0Zvjfdzz
Deja tus preguntas en comentarios para contestar en videos futuros o si quieres que hable de algún tema enfocado en baterías o música en general también déjalo en comentarios
Si te ha gustado el video, no olvides suscribirte para más conocimiento de música, baterías, clases, inspiración y mucho más!
#davidadriandrums #davidadrian #davilandia
Power Up 130bpm MPT (Electronic FREE Drumless)
👉Listen/practice/jam this track on SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/track/0CB2Vd1E3A3IkUyiwUldfp?si=7b5503694bbe47b6
Music Practice Tracks are Original Drumless backing tracks to start jamming!!
Needless to say it takes MASSIVE amount of work to make this videos/music happen every single day. If you enjoy this material please consider supporting the channel to keep bringing new music!! There are several ways to do this (a lot of them are FREE):
1-Leave a comment (tell me what do you want to practice to make a track around that genre!)
2-Subscribe, like and share: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgdq2dBZcwny6xEaMwQuxWQ?sub_confirmation=1
3-Become a Patreon (different perks like custom music, music lessons, stem files and more): https://www.patreon.com/musicpracticetracks
4-Donate on Paypal (every dollar counts!): https://www.paypal.me/musicpracticetracks
5-Promote your music store, studio recording, music school, band, custom instruments, music website/app, etc inside the videos. Email me to work a promotion fee that suit your needs: musicpracticetracks@gmail.com
7-Upload your favorite tracks in this channel to your YT channel (give credit and tag me! I love to see the infinite different approaches to my music around the world) Disclaimer: YouTube Content ID may recognize my music and monetize your video on my behalf. This will NOT result in any copyright strikes against your channel (so you are good to go!)
English is not my native language so I apologize in advance if you see any misspelled word in the videos, description or in the reply comments! (you can let me know about all this in the comments below! ) Thanks for understanding and support! =D
lunes, 11 de marzo de 2024
Qué Es Un TRIGGER?? Guía COMPLETA Desde 0!
Todo Sobre Triggers, que son, como funcionan, son trampa? los necesito?
🔴Manda correo para Sesiones en línea 1 a 1 y ayudarte con lo que necesites (asesoría de bandas, clases de batería, orientación para comprar equipo, como crecer tus redes y todo lo relacionado con música) 👉 davidadrianmusic@gmail.com
🔴350 Pistas sin Batería GRATIS para Practicar 👉 https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5vnMnx50hBVfl9okRPcjQE?si=be68f9390d57452a
🔴7% Descuento en Distrokid 👉 https://distrokid.com/vip/seven/4997761
Más Contenido Relacionado con BATERÍAS Y MÚSICA
- SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7ASUkNCTf27Ev0sjfRkddu?si=FMaN44YDTROdhr1TrXc7Sw
- PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/davidadrian
- FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/davidadriandrums
- INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/davidadriandrums
💥Si te gusta/sirve el contenido puedes ayudarme a seguir creciendo y mejorando el contenido del canal a través de Membresías de Youtube! Recibe Beneficios desde 1 dólar al mes, Checa todo a lo que tendrías acceso!
👉 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsRnFBvKzQ63ShxzqcSFpBw/join
💥Prensa, Promoción de productos, Propuestas de trabajo: Deja mensaje o comentario
💥SAMPLES de baterías, platillos y percusiones de Gama ALTA para samplepads y baterías electrónicas 👉 https://payhip.com/davidadrian
💥CURSO Manos más rápidas en 3 dias: https://www.patreon.com/davidadrian/shop/curso-manos-mas-rapidas-en-3-dias-16018?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=productshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
🥁Quieres Aprender Batería GRATIS? Da click aquí 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF9CECA6864D537EB
🥁 RESEÑAS de Instrumentos👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCdLtqP4qHHErUEVpL710doi
🥁Análisis de Baterías de canciones famosas 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCeWrIu_KOucgays4rcgrPaL
🥁Música original usando los sets de batería más Experimentales que hayas visto 👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCcwDjlout8cSuFchKRyC4l-
🥁Opiniones controversiales acerca de música 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCfxSFgpH8xLcLxXk7CEIvTO
🥁Historia de la Batería 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCeK3TEjdqH3pLYY0Zvjfdzz
Deja tus preguntas en comentarios para contestar en videos futuros o si quieres que hable de algún tema enfocado en baterías o música en general también déjalo en comentarios
Si te ha gustado el video, no olvides suscribirte para más conocimiento de música, baterías, clases, inspiración y mucho más!
#davidadriandrums #davidadrian #davilandia
Heroic Horse Riding 150bpm (Anime Pop Rock FREE Drumless)
👉Listen/practice/jam this track on SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/track/3x7gPhyriArRgDGpndRvOA?si=bfd359ea18664627
Music Practice Tracks are Original Drumless backing tracks to start jamming!!
Needless to say it takes MASSIVE amount of work to make this videos/music happen every single day. If you enjoy this material please consider supporting the channel to keep bringing new music!! There are several ways to do this (a lot of them are FREE):
1-Leave a comment (tell me what do you want to practice to make a track around that genre!)
2-Subscribe, like and share: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgdq2dBZcwny6xEaMwQuxWQ?sub_confirmation=1
3-Become a Patreon (different perks like custom music, music lessons, stem files and more): https://www.patreon.com/musicpracticetracks
4-Donate on Paypal (every dollar counts!): https://www.paypal.me/musicpracticetracks
5-Promote your music store, studio recording, music school, band, custom instruments, music website/app, etc inside the videos. Email me to work a promotion fee that suit your needs: musicpracticetracks@gmail.com
7-Upload your favorite tracks in this channel to your YT channel (give credit and tag me! I love to see the infinite different approaches to my music around the world) Disclaimer: YouTube Content ID may recognize my music and monetize your video on my behalf. This will NOT result in any copyright strikes against your channel (so you are good to go!)
English is not my native language so I apologize in advance if you see any misspelled word in the videos, description or in the reply comments! (you can let me know about all this in the comments below! ) Thanks for understanding and support! =D
viernes, 8 de marzo de 2024
Yamaha Birch Custom 14x4. Sonido y Reseña
Todas estas reseñas están diseñadas de manera que primero escuches el producto y después doy mis comentarios, de manera que si solo quieres escuchar el instrumento y saber especificaciones puedes ver del principio hasta la mitad, si quieres saber mi opinión puedes irte a la mitad de cada video.
🔴7% Descuento en Distrokid 👉 https://distrokid.com/vip/seven/4997761
🔴350 Pistas sin Batería GRATIS para Practicar 👉 https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5vnMnx50hBVfl9okRPcjQE?si=be68f9390d57452a
👉Mexica Studio : https://instagram.com/mexica_studio?utm_source=qr
Más Contenido Relacionado con BATERÍAS Y MÚSICA
- SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7ASUkNCTf27Ev0sjfRkddu?si=FMaN44YDTROdhr1TrXc7Sw
- PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/davidadrian
- FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/davidadriandrums
- INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/davidadriandrums
💥Si te gusta/sirve el contenido puedes ayudarme a seguir creciendo y mejorando el contenido del canal a través de Membresías de Youtube! Recibe Beneficios desde 1 dólar al mes, Checa todo a lo que tendrías acceso!
👉 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsRnFBvKzQ63ShxzqcSFpBw/join
💥Prensa, Promoción de productos, Propuestas de trabajo: Deja mensaje o comentario
💥SAMPLES de baterías, platillos y percusiones de Gama ALTA para samplepads y baterías electrónicas 👉 https://payhip.com/davidadrian
💥CURSO Manos más rápidas en 3 dias: https://www.patreon.com/davidadrian/shop/curso-manos-mas-rapidas-en-3-dias-16018?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=productshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
🥁Quieres Aprender Batería GRATIS? Da click aquí 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF9CECA6864D537EB
🥁 RESEÑAS de Instrumentos👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCdLtqP4qHHErUEVpL710doi
🥁Análisis de Baterías de canciones famosas 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCeWrIu_KOucgays4rcgrPaL
🥁Música original usando los sets de batería más Experimentales que hayas visto 👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCcwDjlout8cSuFchKRyC4l-
🥁Opiniones controversiales acerca de música 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCfxSFgpH8xLcLxXk7CEIvTO
🥁Historia de la Batería 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCeK3TEjdqH3pLYY0Zvjfdzz
Deja tus preguntas en comentarios para contestar en videos futuros o si quieres que hable de algún tema enfocado en baterías o música en general también déjalo en comentarios
Si te ha gustado el video, no olvides suscribirte para más conocimiento de música, baterías, clases, inspiración y mucho más!
#davidadriandrums #davidadrian #davilandia
Hundred Twenty Eight Hearts 128bpm MPT (Electronic FREE Drumless)
👉Listen/practice/jam this track on SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/track/4SAU3WKvZS5pTYB0vVRaTV?si=b8bce93eb0994fe0
Music Practice Tracks are Original Drumless backing tracks to start jamming!!
Needless to say it takes MASSIVE amount of work to make this videos/music happen every single day. If you enjoy this material please consider supporting the channel to keep bringing new music!! There are several ways to do this (a lot of them are FREE):
1-Leave a comment (tell me what do you want to practice to make a track around that genre!)
2-Subscribe, like and share: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgdq2dBZcwny6xEaMwQuxWQ?sub_confirmation=1
3-Become a Patreon (different perks like custom music, music lessons, stem files and more): https://www.patreon.com/musicpracticetracks
4-Donate on Paypal (every dollar counts!): https://www.paypal.me/musicpracticetracks
5-Promote your music store, studio recording, music school, band, custom instruments, music website/app, etc inside the videos. Email me to work a promotion fee that suit your needs: musicpracticetracks@gmail.com
7-Upload your favorite tracks in this channel to your YT channel (give credit and tag me! I love to see the infinite different approaches to my music around the world) Disclaimer: YouTube Content ID may recognize my music and monetize your video on my behalf. This will NOT result in any copyright strikes against your channel (so you are good to go!)
English is not my native language so I apologize in advance if you see any misspelled word in the videos, description or in the reply comments! (you can let me know about all this in the comments below! ) Thanks for understanding and support! =D
jueves, 7 de marzo de 2024
Hundred Twenty Seven Brains 127bpm MPT (Electronic FREE Drumless)
Jam this on Spotify:
Hundred Twenty Seven Brains 127bpm MPT (Electronic FREE Drumless) 👉 https://youtu.be/ZgJ4mVznGOk
Music Practice Tracks are Original Drumless backing tracks to start jamming!!
Needless to say it takes MASSIVE amount of work to make this videos/music happen every single day. If you enjoy this material please consider supporting the channel to keep bringing new music!! There are several ways to do this (a lot of them are FREE):
1- Watch this videos entirely
2-Leave a comment (tell me what do you want to practice to make a track around that topic!)
3-Subscribe, like and share: https://www.youtube.com/c/MusicPracticeTracks
4-Listen this on spotify:
5-Become a Patreon (different perks like custom music, music lessons, stem files and more): https://www.patreon.com/musicpracticetracks
6-Listen full (50 track) album on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/2dEknHx0MYCsSuCCMqatY6?si=CxVzsBgNSruVXVlB-rkCCA
7-Donate on Paypal (every dollar counts!): https://www.paypal.me/musicpracticetracks
9-Promote your music store, studio recording, music school, band, custom instruments, music website/app, etc inside the videos. Email me to work a promotion fee that suit your needs: musicpracticetracks@gmail.com
8-Upload your favorite tracks in this channel to your YT channel (give credit and tag me! I love to see the infinite different approaches to my music around the world) Disclaimer: YouTube Content ID may recognize my music and monetize your video on my behalf. This will NOT result in any copyright strikes against your channel (so you are good to go!)
Follow on INSTAGRAM for free drum lessons: https://instagram.com/davidadriandrums
English is not my native language so I apologize in advance if you see any misspelled word in the videos, description or in the reply comments! (you can let me know about all this in the comments below! ) Thanks for understanding and support! =D
miércoles, 6 de marzo de 2024
Cold Dune 141bpm MPT (Ethnic FREE Drumless)
👉Listen/practice/jam this track on SPOTIFY:
Music Practice Tracks are Original Drumless backing tracks to start jamming!!
Needless to say it takes MASSIVE amount of work to make this videos/music happen every single day. If you enjoy this material please consider supporting the channel to keep bringing new music!! There are several ways to do this (a lot of them are FREE):
1-Leave a comment (tell me what do you want to practice to make a track around that genre!)
2-Subscribe, like and share: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgdq2dBZcwny6xEaMwQuxWQ?sub_confirmation=1
3-Become a Patreon (different perks like custom music, music lessons, stem files and more): https://www.patreon.com/musicpracticetracks
4-Donate on Paypal (every dollar counts!): https://www.paypal.me/musicpracticetracks
5-Promote your music store, studio recording, music school, band, custom instruments, music website/app, etc inside the videos. Email me to work a promotion fee that suit your needs: musicpracticetracks@gmail.com
7-Upload your favorite tracks in this channel to your YT channel (give credit and tag me! I love to see the infinite different approaches to my music around the world) Disclaimer: YouTube Content ID may recognize my music and monetize your video on my behalf. This will NOT result in any copyright strikes against your channel (so you are good to go!)
English is not my native language so I apologize in advance if you see any misspelled word in the videos, description or in the reply comments! (you can let me know about all this in the comments below! ) Thanks for understanding and support! =D
martes, 5 de marzo de 2024
Power Up 130bpm MPT (Electronic FREE Drumless)
👉Listen/practice/jam this track on SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/track/0CB2Vd1E3A3IkUyiwUldfp?si=7b5503694bbe47b6
Music Practice Tracks are Original Drumless backing tracks to start jamming!!
Needless to say it takes MASSIVE amount of work to make this videos/music happen every single day. If you enjoy this material please consider supporting the channel to keep bringing new music!! There are several ways to do this (a lot of them are FREE):
1-Leave a comment (tell me what do you want to practice to make a track around that genre!)
2-Subscribe, like and share: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgdq2dBZcwny6xEaMwQuxWQ?sub_confirmation=1
3-Become a Patreon (different perks like custom music, music lessons, stem files and more): https://www.patreon.com/musicpracticetracks
4-Donate on Paypal (every dollar counts!): https://www.paypal.me/musicpracticetracks
5-Promote your music store, studio recording, music school, band, custom instruments, music website/app, etc inside the videos. Email me to work a promotion fee that suit your needs: musicpracticetracks@gmail.com
7-Upload your favorite tracks in this channel to your YT channel (give credit and tag me! I love to see the infinite different approaches to my music around the world) Disclaimer: YouTube Content ID may recognize my music and monetize your video on my behalf. This will NOT result in any copyright strikes against your channel (so you are good to go!)
English is not my native language so I apologize in advance if you see any misspelled word in the videos, description or in the reply comments! (you can let me know about all this in the comments below! ) Thanks for understanding and support! =D
lunes, 4 de marzo de 2024
DIFERENCIA De Sonido En AROS de Batería / Pruebas Reales!
Los aros en los tambores hacen alguna diferencia, osea sí, pero que tanta? vale la pena cambiarlos? Escucha las pruebas y decide por tí mism@!
🔴350 Pistas sin Batería GRATIS para Practicar 👉 https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5vnMnx50hBVfl9okRPcjQE?si=be68f9390d57452a
🔴7% Descuento en Distrokid 👉 https://distrokid.com/vip/seven/4997761
Más Contenido Relacionado con BATERÍAS Y MÚSICA
- SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7ASUkNCTf27Ev0sjfRkddu?si=FMaN44YDTROdhr1TrXc7Sw
- PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/davidadrian
- FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/davidadriandrums
- INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/davidadriandrums
💥Si te gusta/sirve el contenido puedes ayudarme a seguir creciendo y mejorando el contenido del canal a través de Membresías de Youtube! Recibe Beneficios desde 1 dólar al mes, Checa todo a lo que tendrías acceso!
👉 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsRnFBvKzQ63ShxzqcSFpBw/join
💥Prensa, Promoción de productos, Propuestas de trabajo: Deja mensaje o comentario
💥SAMPLES de baterías, platillos y percusiones de Gama ALTA para samplepads y baterías electrónicas 👉 https://payhip.com/davidadrian
💥CURSO Manos más rápidas en 3 dias: https://www.patreon.com/davidadrian/shop/curso-manos-mas-rapidas-en-3-dias-16018?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=productshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
🥁Quieres Aprender Batería GRATIS? Da click aquí 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF9CECA6864D537EB
🥁 RESEÑAS de Instrumentos👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCdLtqP4qHHErUEVpL710doi
🥁Análisis de Baterías de canciones famosas 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCeWrIu_KOucgays4rcgrPaL
🥁Música original usando los sets de batería más Experimentales que hayas visto 👉https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCcwDjlout8cSuFchKRyC4l-
🥁Opiniones controversiales acerca de música 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCfxSFgpH8xLcLxXk7CEIvTO
🥁Historia de la Batería 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ-zactwezCeK3TEjdqH3pLYY0Zvjfdzz
Deja tus preguntas en comentarios para contestar en videos futuros o si quieres que hable de algún tema enfocado en baterías o música en general también déjalo en comentarios
Si te ha gustado el video, no olvides suscribirte para más conocimiento de música, baterías, clases, inspiración y mucho más!
#davidadriandrums #davidadrian #davilandia
Sea Turbulence 170bpm ROCK Drumless (CLICKLESS)
👉Listen/practice/jam this track on SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/track/6VBDzvExq6qWTRT0Wetipj?si=c9076a88fdef4c1f
Music Practice Tracks are Original Drumless backing tracks to start jamming!!
Needless to say it takes MASSIVE amount of work to make this videos/music happen every single day. If you enjoy this material please consider supporting the channel to keep bringing new music!! There are several ways to do this (a lot of them are FREE):
1-Leave a comment (tell me what do you want to practice to make a track around that genre!)
2-Subscribe, like and share: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgdq2dBZcwny6xEaMwQuxWQ?sub_confirmation=1
3-Become a Patreon (different perks like custom music, music lessons, stem files and more): https://www.patreon.com/musicpracticetracks
4-Donate on Paypal (every dollar counts!): https://www.paypal.me/musicpracticetracks
5-Promote your music store, studio recording, music school, band, custom instruments, music website/app, etc inside the videos. Email me to work a promotion fee that suit your needs: musicpracticetracks@gmail.com
7-Upload your favorite tracks in this channel to your YT channel (give credit and tag me! I love to see the infinite different approaches to my music around the world) Disclaimer: YouTube Content ID may recognize my music and monetize your video on my behalf. This will NOT result in any copyright strikes against your channel (so you are good to go!)
English is not my native language so I apologize in advance if you see any misspelled word in the videos, description or in the reply comments! (you can let me know about all this in the comments below! ) Thanks for understanding and support! =D
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